Our Blog
5 Ways You Can Increase Property Management Leads With Blogs
There are several ways to use your existing content to increase business. Today, we’re focusing on 5 definitive things you can do with your blogs to close more leads and grow your property management business. These are things we do at Fourandhalf, and our most...
Top 3 Reasons for a Blog on Your Property Management Website
If you think the only reason to have a blog on your website is because everyone else has a blog – that’s not good enough. Your property management blog provides major opportunities for you, and today we’re sharing the three top reasons to have a blog on your property...
6 SEO Blogging Tips for Property Managers
Maybe you’ve finally started creating blogs and putting everything on your website. Now you’re ready to conquer the world with all that great content! Not so fast. You can create all the content you want, but if the search engines can’t find you – how will owner leads...
Contact Eastern Idaho Property Management
901 Pier View Dr. Suite 203B
Idaho Falls Id. 83402